
The road to 1 dan, vol 1, 17-20 kyu

The road to 1 dan, vol 1, 17-20 kyu
The road to 1 dan, vol 1, 17-20 kyu
Baek Jaewook
192 pages

Translated into English by Les Waller
Published by Oromedia 2006.
ISBN: 89-90079-45-4

The Road to One Dan is a series of go books designed to take the reader from 20 kyu to 1 dan. The series is intended to encompass ten volumes.

* Chapter 1 Basic Openings: Common parallel fuseki openings discussed with reference to the whole board and suitable joseki.
* Chapter 2 Nine Stone Handicap Games: Methods to deal with White's initial knight's move or one-space approach moves to the corner.
* Chapter 3 Basic Life and Death Problems:
* Chapter 4 Endgame
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